Monday, 16 September 2013


A six letter word that has everyone dreaming and wishing about...well not everyone, since there are people actually living the life that others desires.

The first thing that pops into my head when I hear this word is the V.I.P parties, the designer clothes, the limos, the houses, the swimming pools and the list continues with all the luxurious stuff. I guess, like every other job, being famous has a downside. The downside that many of us don’t really consider when we dream to be a celebrity. Think of all the media following you, the people judging you on the way you talk, dressed, who you hung out and your body image. The pressure you receive from the public and the media. We only see what the media want us to see of a celebrity, whether it’s their good or bad side. 

However, if you have the passion of becoming famous, don’t stop believing. Because sometimes dreams become a reality if you work for it. I was going to write a list of how to become famous, but since I have no famous links or friends, unless you count a follow form Ariana Grande, Ariel Winter and a couple of verified accounts, I don’t think that really counts. Not only that, there are so many types of famous; singer, actor, dance, Youtube, Wattpad, Tumblr...and the list continues. I guess if your dream is to be famous, expand on your passion, look out for opportunities and accept the support of others. You need to be unique and make sure you know that there will be competition in your field.

For others like me who have no practically talents but think that being famous one day will be cool – keep dreaming because dreaming won’t do any harm :) Maybe one day you might do something that will make others smile and you will be known for that. 

The reason I wrote this blog is because my friend and I were talking about the life of being Youtube famous together, don’t bother looking me up cause I aint got a channel...yet :P. Hopefully, I will one day, I want to be able people to laugh, smile and make a change.

"We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort." - Jesse Owens

Kind Regards,

Me. xox

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Thanks again to Miranda for editing :) xx

Saturday, 14 September 2013

The Internet #firstworldproblems

Saturday 14th of September.

Do you ever reward yourself with two hours of Tumblr, Twitter or whatever that you go on, just because you wrote your name on your school homework? The Internet can be a distraction, trust me I know. Even at school, when I supposed to be listening to the teacher, I’m on my laptop scrolling down my twitter timeline or my tumblr dashboard, but I’m not the only one, one look at any of my fellow classmates’s laptop screen and you’ll see that they are doing the same. Anyway, it always ends the same way, I never get my homework done on time and I pull an all-nighter. But what makes us so addicted to be on these social networking sites? Is it that we want to know what people are doing, every second of every day or is it the pure boredom of school work? and yes, scrolling down a site is way more easier than writing/typing notes. But is this what we want to remember when look back into our days of high schooling? I guess, you can’t really blame us, we do live in the 21st century, where technology surrounds us. 

Three days ago my school wifi died, so basically the whole school didn’t have internet. So there was no online celebrity stalking (HOT: Niall in Melbourne), Tumblr or Twitter. Students were panicking and teachers were saying, ‘What do you think kids did back in the past, when there was no such thing as the Internet?’ But the thing is, we don’t live in the past, we live in 2013, where we depend on the Internet and the technology that is provided for us. Our printers are connected by wifi, and so are our class rolls. Not only that, most our notes are given to us by a social networking site for schools called “Edmodo.”  Also most of us have a “school” twitter account, some of our teachers get us to tweet a reflection of what we did in that class. 

The quote by J.K Rowling, “The internet has been a boon and a curse for teenagers,” is so true. I mean think about it. It is “boon” as it helpful, as it helps us complete our homework ;), we can explore a topic/interest more deeply, and most of all, we have that access of unlimited information. Also, just like she said it is a “curse”, how many of us procrastinate? Not get things done on time? Well, I for one delay all the boring stuff to have a lazy night doing nothing. 

So because I am a “procrastinator” and a typical lazy person, I decided to ask my friends of how they avoid the internet while doing work that needs to be done, this is the list that I have constructed their responses: 

If you have any Apple device download an APP called iProcrastinate, this is really handy as it helps you to organise all the tasks that have to be done. 

Make yourself a timetable.

Deactivate your accounts when studying for finals or exams.

Make a collage of Procrastinate quotes and make it your desktop to inspire you.

If you have school diary, use it. Writing down a list then ticking them off as you complete them, gives you the satisfaction of accomplishment. 

Turn your wifi off, or give your laptop, iPads, desktop, tablet, phone or whatever device you use to a sibling or parent while you are doing your work.

Just think to yourself of the free time you’ll have after you do your homework.

 Maintain you cravings.

I hope this blog helps you on the #firstworldproblem The Internet while doing school work. :) Anyway so long and farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, goodnightt. (Sound of Music is one of my favourite movies!)

Kind Regards,

Me. xox
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Image Source:

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Once Upon a School Night.

Thursday 12th of September.

Once upon a time there was an ordinary teenager. She would type a couple a words, for she wanted to be heard. She tried to rhyme but she sounded like she was 9. Her friends were being MIA, and she texted and tweeted a hey. But her timeline boring and her friends were ignoring, as her friends were working.

Okay, enough with the poetry, I seriously can’t rhyme. This is my second last week of Term 3 and I seriously cannot wait until the holidays! Ah, holidays and breaks, something we all love. The hanging, shopping, mucking around with friends. The two weeks of bliss and having the fridge to yourself, your phone and social networking notifying you all day. The spamming and stalking over celebrities on twitter. The only book you read is Facebook, or a gossip magazine. The watching of any drama or comedy (Me, I love Gossip Girl, Awkward, Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries and the list continues!). Holidays are #perfect, the only thing that can ruin them is slow INTERNET, or being grounded, or “holiday homework.” 

I remember in my last holidays I felt free and relaxed, though it was the middle of winter there was no need of snuggle with a good book and hot chocolate instead I was lying on a couch finishing Season 5 of Gossip Girl. For those who haven’t watch the series, seriously, get your butt onto a couch and start watching, and be engulfed into the world and drama of the “Upper East Side.” It’s a daring way to spend your holidays, in my opinion. Nothing as interesting happens where I live, it’s all b-o-r-i-n-g. Wow, just imagine if we did live in the “Upper East Side”, think of the life...the designer clothes, the booze, the limos, the V.I.P parties, and the scandals. (casually dreaming of that life).

But I need to stop day dreaming and snap back into the real world as I have a French and History Assignment, and a Biology test tomorrow! AAHHHH someone save me!

Kind Regards,

Me. xox
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