Friday, 11 October 2013

The Social Wilderness.

High school. Seem like it drags on forever. Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure everyone feels the same way. I'm not sure about you but I can already picture the day where I will go, “Oh wow, high school is over, that was quick!” But I have a couple more years until that really happens. So I decided to blog about how I manage to stay alive in the social wilderness of high school, and how you could use them if you need too. These are some of my rules.

Be yourself. 

This term may be overused a little, but seriously go by it. That’s what I did. I remember during the start of high school I was quiet and was quiet self conscious. I was scared on how people may judge me. Overtime I learnt that your real friends love you for who you are.

If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. (This include social networking as well as speaking face-to-face)

Everyone is different. Some people may like other things than you, other people may do things that annoy or irritate you sometimes. However before you say hurtful things or bitch about them, think of this: You may have a quality in yourself that others don’t like. What if someone talked behind your back, how would you feel? Not only that, what if the person heard about what you said about them? Is it worth it? Also, saying something not nice to another is like a game of Chinese whispers; they would tell another and another and before you know it the words that came out of your mouth is changed and twisted into something horrible, this is how a rumour starts.  

Be the stronger person.

This may sound like I’m saying to hurt someone physically and be strong, but no. This mean don’t let anything hurt you. Be the stronger person by standing up to you and your friends. If someone says something hurtful, tell them nicely that you don’t like it. Some people don’t realise that they are being mean until they are told. 

Don’t lash out at people.

When you’re in a bad mood, whatever it may be because, never use it as an opportunity to lash or point out all the wrong to your friends.You will regret it if you say anything mean  or nasty. Your friends aren’t like you Siri on your iPhone, they don’t reply with “After all I’ve done for you,” if you tell them something mean or hurtful. Friends can easily go, and this is something you never want. Ask for space and they will give it to you until you are in a better mood.

Smile and be optimistic,

Smiling at everyone is basically the gesture to stranger you’re a decent person in high school. Avoid giving people greases, or glares. High school is a place that is not perfect. Expect some ups and downs in the social wilderness. Remember think of the calm and positive in everything that happens, even though it might be the worst thing possible.

Before I sign off, I just wanted to say; these are what I use to get through high school. They may or may not agree to you, I am not sure. We are all different. Enjoy high school, and make the best of it.

Kind Regards,

Me. xox

                                                          ¸.•´.•´¨) ¸.•¨)
                                                            (¸.•´(¸.•´ (¸.•¨¯`* ♥

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